40 Pies + Tons of Fun | Mulhall's
September 18 // Happenings

40 Pies + Tons of Fun

Our Harvest Party last Saturday was so much fun – the best yet, we think. We’d like to thank everyone who joined us to soak in the sun, enjoy a delicious lunch, sample a few – dozen – pies, take in the sights all around the store, and celebrate the start of a new season with our plant-loving community.

Fall Brings Everyone Together

The thing we enjoy most about these get-togethers is the friendly energy that fills the entire store – and the chance to visit with so many of you. Local singer-songwriter Miwi La Lupa set the musical backdrop while a mix of folks from kids to adults – even some dogs too – enjoyed the afternoon together. The hot pockets from Carter & Rye were a big hit, and when it was time to cool off, the refreshments from Coneflower Creamery and Myrtle & Cypress were pretty popular too. We were so glad to have our friends from City Sprouts here to share all the great things they do for our community – and even introduce us to one of their chickens.

Did you stop at the Honey-Tasting booth while you were here? How amazing was it to find out how many different ways a simple honey can look and taste? And it was such a delight to see adults working elbow to elbow with kids to create nature-inspired masterpieces at the botanical art station hosted by Two Keys Creative Studios – proving that creative play has no age limit.

Of course – in what has become a treasured Harvest Party tradition – we hope you took a ride on our hayrack led by Nursery Yard team member Jason Spring. Jason is our own in-store comedian, and putting him at the wheel of our equally personable ’48 Ford tractor with its cheerful horn and somewhat sensitive clutch is always an adventure.

But, Really – It’s All About the Pie

If you joined us at our Harvest Party, you know a big part of the celebration is all about pie. And that’s never been truer than this year. How exciting it was to see so many creamy, fruity, flaky, and just plain outstanding entries in this year’s pie contest. Forty to be exact – nearly twice as many as last year! A big thank you to everyone who brought in their special recipes for everyone to enjoy.

Professional bakers Kate Anderson and Sarah Ryan from Carter & Rye served as our distinguished judges along with another qualified pair of pie tasters – 13-year-old boys Sam Goik and Parker Nordaker. In the end, the first-place pie belonged to Patty Poltack with her Dutch Apple pie. Second place went to the only savory pie in our contest, the Black Friday Turkey pie, created by 9-year-old Alice Henderson. And rounding out the winners was the delectable Rye Pumpkin pie by Kathleen Tinley taking the prize for third place. We hope these talented bakers enjoy shopping for new plants with their gift cards as much as we all enjoyed sampling their pies.

What a Great Way to Welcome Fall

Thank you again for joining us and making our Harvest Party a part of your fall tradition. We look forward to this event every year – and no, not just because you bring us pie. It’s always an exciting time to get together and welcome in another beautiful season with all of you.