3 Reasons to Add Moving Water in Your Landscape | Mulhall's
Moving Water in Your Landscape
July 11 // Garden

3 Reasons to Add Moving Water in Your Landscape

Whether it’s a tumbling waterfall, a pounding surf, or a gentle, trickling stream – people are naturally drawn to water in motion. But why? Scientists in a diverse group of psychology fields – from evolutionary to developmental to sensory and behavioral – have explored this question, but there seems to be no simple answer. The one thing everyone agrees on is the one thing we all seem to know instinctively: the sight and sound of moving water just makes us feel better. Here, we look at some of the reasons scientists believe that being around moving water improves our sense of well-being, and we share ways you can incorporate its therapeutic benefits into your own outdoor spaces.

Moving Water Calms Us

Like everyone else, researchers at Brighton and Sussex Medical School in England know the sound of water relaxes us, but they wanted to know how. So, they designed an experiment where participants listened to sounds recorded in a natural environment – including the sound of trickling water – and “artificial” sounds recorded in a man-made environment. As the participants listened to the two environments, the researchers collected data on their brain activity and heart rate. Researchers found that listening to natural sounds invoked more relaxed physical states – indicating the body moved away from a “fight or flight” response to a peaceful one. They also found that listening to natural sounds focused the participants’ attention on their outward surroundings whereas artificial sounds brought their attention inward – resulting in more self-focused thought. Excessive inward attention has been associated with worry, rumination, depression, and anxiety. They also found that the more stressed the participant reported feeling at the beginning of the experiment, the more mental and physical relaxation researchers recorded as a result of listening to the natural sounds.

Moving Water Energizes Us

If you’ve ever felt refreshed after a thunderstorm passes or you’ve gone out “to get some air” when you’re stressed, you know these experiences have an uplifting effect on our energy level and mood. Scientists have found one explanation for this mood-boosting effect – negative ions generated in abundance by natural environments, particularly those with moving water. According to WebMd.com, negative ions are created when the actions of sunlight, wind, and moving water break apart air molecules into ions – positively or negatively charged particles. We inhale these negative ions by the tens of thousands at the beach, in the mountains, or in our gardens – and studies show that once they’re in our bloodstream, these negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to our brain and increase levels of mood-boosting serotonin. For many people, this results in increased mental and physical energy as well as decreases in stress and anxiety.

Moving Water Grounds Us

Another reason the sound and sight of moving water may help us feel better is in the way it makes us take a step back from our busy schedules and remember our connection to the natural world. Marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols has studied the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of being near water. In his research, Nichols has found that watching moving water contributes to happiness by pulling us out of our over-scheduled minds and focusing our attention on nature’s peacefully repetitive and dependable processes. Trickling water also attracts a host of other interesting and beneficial creatures – like birds, butterflies, and dragonflies – to our outdoor spaces too. Sharing space with them reminds us that there’s more to the world than our phones and our schedules – a realization that’s both humbling and freeing at the same time.

Adding Water to Your Landscape

In addition to the colors, textures, tastes, and scents we choose for our outdoor spaces, what we hear can be just as important. Adding the naturally soothing sound of moving water may be just what our landscape needs to make it the perfect relaxing oasis. Adding an outdoor fountain or bubbler can make that happen. On your next visit, talk with our team in the Pottery Yard. We’ll take you around our collection and help you find the perfect fountain or bubbler to fit your space and style – large or small, contemporary or nature-inspired, quietly trickling or playfully splashing. Whichever one you choose, we’re happy to help you experience the peace and relaxation that moving water can bring to your outdoor spaces.