The Generosity of Our Gardening Community | Mulhall's
September 3 // Garden

The Generosity of Our Gardening Community

We’re so proud to be a part of this community. Thanks to your generosity and time in the garden, this summer’s Plant to Give program has so far contributed nearly 450 pounds of fresh produce to help ease some of the ongoing challenges with food security in Omaha. And we’re not done yet! As harvest time swings into full gear, we hope you’ll continue to share the extra vegetables in your garden with those who need them most.

What is Plant to Give?

The Plant to Give program is a partnership we began this summer with local community advocate Whispering Roots – one of several organizations across Omaha who are working hard to address the increasing challenges of food security only made more difficult by COVID-19. And we’re inviting the Omaha gardening community to get involved. As part of the program, each Thursday from 11am to 2pm, we’re accepting contributions of fresh produce here at the store. Whispering Roots then picks up the produce and – working with local food banks and other community partners or creating meals themselves – gets the food to people who need it.

So Many Generous Gardeners

We can’t thank you enough for your support. It’s been amazing to see the response with so many showing up week after week to share the produce from your gardens. We were especially surprised last week by one very generous gardener who contributed 89lbs of beautiful eggplants and peppers, which helped make many nutritious meals – including pork with rice and a delicious vegetable medley – served to our community.

Whether your contributions come from the surplus vegetables that you weren’t able to use or you planted a little more this year with the intention to share the extras, your contributions to our Plant to Give program have made a direct and important impact on our community. Thank you!

Sharing Knowledge Too

Education and skill-development is another huge part of the community-wide effort to address food security in Omaha. So, in addition to distributing food, organizations like Whispering Roots are dedicated to helping people all over our area learn how to grow food in their own gardens too.

As a part of that effort, we again partnered with Whispering Roots to contribute hundreds of vegetable plants that are now growing and producing in community gardens, educational gardens at schools, and even individual home gardens across the city. Tending a garden helps people of all ages take pride in growing their own supply of nutritious and delicious food and offers the opportunity to learn the skills needed to be a successful gardener. It’s been great to see these plants making an impact in that way too.

Let’s Keep Going

As summer rolls into fall, there’s still lots of opportunity to help out. If you haven’t considered it yet, now may be the time to plant a late-season garden for harvest later in the fall – with a few extras to share. Or if your garden is thriving now, be sure to visit us on Thursdays from 11am to 2pm with your contributions to our Plant to Give program. And thank you again to all of you who have shared produce with us so far – it’s been an honor working with you and Whispering Roots to make such an important impact on our community.