At Christmastime, our store is filled with so many beautiful things. The members of our Décor team are well-acquainted with all the wonderful pieces in this year’s Christmas collection, and they enjoy helping customers find the right ornament, collectible, or décor piece for their own homes. Of course, everyone on the team is different, bringing their own traditions and memories of the holidays, so certain items stand out as their favorites. We asked our Décor and Floral teams, of all the eye-catching décor we have in the store right now, which pieces stand out for each of them.
In Décor, we have several collections centered around different themes – from traditional styles to woodsy and even whimsical. So for some of our team members, it’s an entire theme that’s become their favorite. Floral designer Rhonda Hanson loves the nostalgic décor elements in our Farmhouse collection. She likes the way the gray galvanized metal looks next to the soft red felt and smooth brown wood – the same colors and textures you’d find at Christmas on Grandpa’s farm. Rhonda also likes the Winter Cardinal theme – it’s contrasting colors remind her of spotting a bright red cardinal perched on a black tree branch against a snowy white background. Décor team member Mary Cheshier’s favorite theme is Silver Frost because the wintery blend of frosty whites, icy crystals, and shiny silvers twinkles in the light. In this theme, Mary especially likes the clear tabletop Christmas trees filled with sparkling glitter that tumbles and swirls inside the tree when it’s switched on. She also loves the white birch branches that look beautiful lit with tiny white lights and standing on a table behind a couch or in front of a picture window. And Rosie O’Hanlon loves the natural beauty and texture of pinecones, so she pointed out the collection of ornaments featured on the Iced Pinecone tree. Her favorites are the clear glass globes with the miniature pinecones hanging inside.
Other times, a single item catches a team member’s attention. Sue Eymann enjoys the wooden Advent calendars by Byers’ Choice, the same makers of those wonderful carolers. We have four beautifully handcrafted styles, and one – the Saint Nicholas Toy Shoppe – plays music when you open each of the doors. The artwork is charming and richly detailed, and the spaces behind the doors are big enough for a nice-sized candy or other small treat. Casey Clements, from our Merchandise team, likes the colorful bottlebrush trees in the Bright Bohemian theme. She says they’re so versatile and can be added to whatever holiday décor you already have. And for Molly Pool, who brings in our Christmas collectibles, the Shiny Brite bubble lights are very special. Molly’s mother had these bubble lights, and Molly remembers every year taking them out of the red box to decorate the tree. The bubbling motion of the colorful lights is the main attraction, but the vintage packaging that all the Shiny Brite lights and ornaments come in is just as important to recreate the feel of Christmas for Molly.
And then there are some things that our Décor team loves for no other reason than they just bring a smile and a laugh to their day. Molly gets a kick out of the lumberjack from the collection of KWO incense smokers. He has an amazing furry beard, a pack loaded with logs, an axe in one hand, and a pipe in the other. When we asked Décor team member Kim Widmark about her favorite item, she replied, “Did you see the sasquatch family from Department 56?” Sure enough, there they are, running through the Original Snow Village with kids in tow. Floral designer Joann Bullington can’t help snuggling the plush foxes we have this year in addition to the bears. She knows she’s not alone because she sees customers sneaking a quick hug from them too. And then there’s the toy duck. Jeanne McGrain and Hope Wolf both picked out the toy duck from our Vintage Toyshop collection as their favorite. He’s made of metal, wears a wild mix of bright colors, and sits on a tricycle. When you wind him up and let him go, his little orange feet pedal hard, carrying him along in a circle while a rainbow propeller spins on top of his head. If being whimsical is part of the holidays, this duck is whimsical all over.
Like our team, we hope that when you visit you’ll find something in our Christmas collection that inspires you, triggers a happy memory, or just makes you smile. If you’re looking for suggestions or have something particular in mind, just ask, and we’ll help you find it.