If you have an extensive houseplant collection, using vertical space to display hanging plants is one way to free up tables and shelves…for even more plants, right? Plus, many houseplants appreciate the increased air circulation and abundant light that come from a well-placed spot above too. But probably the best reason we love to hang trailing plants is the opportunity to enjoy all that intriguing, free-flowing foliage up close. Here we share some of our favorite trailing houseplants for your eye-level enjoyment.
Swiss Cheese Vine // Monstera adansonii
You might think of this fenestrated beauty as just a more slender, daintier version of Monstera deliciosa. But when it comes to climbing a trellis, trailing like a champ, and producing eye-catching leaf holes, this “little” monstera, M. adansonii, has its bigger cousin beat.
Spider plant // Chlorophytum comosum
This classic hanging plant is a showstopper with its big clump of arching slender foliage in both solid green and variegated varieties. But spider plant really wins hearts for the way it readily produces all those itty bitty clones of itself to fall in love with too.
Pothos picta // Scindapsus pictus
Pothos picta is sometimes called satin pothos, and when you see that shimmery foliage, you know why. Pothos picta gathers attention with its dark green, soft-textured foliage that seems to glow in a kind of silvery halo. Then add to that the silver-white dappled variegation, and this plant is hard to ignore.
String of Pearls // Senecio rowleyanus
In its native Africa, Senecio rowleyanus twists and turns along the ground, forming a mat of succulent foliage that’s perfectly adapted to hot, dry environments. As a houseplant, those wandering thread-like stems hang straight down to better show off all those unusual spherical beads.
Hoya // Hoya spp.
Fact is, hoyas are addictive. They come in so many different species and cultivars representing a range of foliage shapes and variegations that it’s impossible to stop collecting new ones as they appear in the Greenhouse. And those perfect clusters of fragrant, porcelain blooms have created a devoted following too.
String of Fishhooks // Senecio radicans
Like string of pearls, string of fishhooks is another dangling cousin in the genus Senecio, but you’ll never mistake the two. Both produce chubby little leaves along slender trailing stems, but in this case, the color is an ethereal blue-green, and the leaves are elongated and curved.
Find The Perfect One
Hanging plants are living curtains – and beautiful ones at that. Divide a room, shade a window, or simply enjoy the front row view to that wonderful foliage. Any way you plan to enjoy your hanging plant, we hope you’ll stop by the Greenhouse and find the perfect one for you.