New Arrivals in the Greenhouse! | Mulhall's
December 19 // Houseplants

New Arrivals in the Greenhouse!

Foliage fans, take note – if interesting shapes and patterns steal your heart, we have a bunch of new houseplants in the Greenhouse you’re going to love.


Many anthuriums are known for the brightly colored, heart-shaped spathes that surrounds their small blooms. But there’s a whole different category of anthuriums – the “bird’s nest” kind – with fascinating foliage that collectors prize. New to the Greenhouse, we now have three of these anthuriums: ‘Big Red Bird,’ ‘Superbum,’ and Anthurium plowmanii. True to their roots in the South American jungle, anthuriums like bright, indirect light and a loose, well-draining potting mix that stays slightly moist. They prefer a fair bit of humidity too, so a well-lit bathroom or kitchen is the perfect spot.

Philodendron micans

Philodendron micans looks a lot like the classic heart-leaf philodendron, but subtle differences give it a personality all its own. The velvety foliage shows different colors on the same plant – from chartreuse and coral in new leaves to shades of green and burgundy on mature foliage – so this easy-care beauty is a must-have for established Philodendron collectors and new plant parents too. For best coloring, keep your P. micans in a space with bright, indirect light, and let the soil dry a bit between each watering.


If you love sansevierias, you know how it is. Just when you think you’re satisfied with your current collection, another gorgeous new cultivar appears, and you know it’s coming home with you. And why not? Sansevierias are happy in almost any light, and they really don’t mind going a while without water either. In the Greenhouse now, we have two cultivars – ‘Fernwood,’ and ‘Omake’ – each with that unusual, striped foliage that no collector can pass up.

Pilea ‘Aquamarine’

With its mesmerizing mass of perfect little silver-blue leaves, it’s hard not to get lost gazing at this pilea’s intriguing foliage. The long, pinkish-red stems make this a beautiful trailing or hanging plant too. For a jaw-dropping example, take a look at the huge pilea trailing over the corner of our Plant Care desk. Pileas are pretty easy going – they like bright, indirect light and the chance to dry just a little between waterings. And they’re a breeze to propagate. Just trim off some of the length and plant the cut ends of the stems in moistened potting soil – they’ll take off in no time.


Like sansevierias, peperomias are easy to care for and come in so many interesting styles that once you start collecting, you’re a fan for life. In the Greenhouse, we have several Peperomia cultivars that show so much variety, it’s hard to tell they’re even related. Some peperomias have beautifully quilted leaves in shades of red or green. Another might have smooth, apple-green foliage, while another has splotches of cream marbling. And one cultivar called ‘Hope’ has thick, coin-shaped leaves held along strong, arching stems. While they all look different, peperomias share a small stature that makes them a favorite for office desks and narrow shelves. They also share a preference for bright, indirect light and – although some of them look a lot like succulents – they do like fairly consistent soil moisture.

Monstera adansonii

Like its larger cousin, the popular Monstera deliciosa, this slender Monstera species loves to wander and climb its way around your space, looking for the perfect light or just getting into your business. And it displays even more of those intriguing splits and holes in its leaves that monsteras are prized for. For best enjoyment of your M. adansonii, give it space to explore and show off those fascinating leaves – like dangling from a hanging planter or crawling along a bookshelf. If you need to keep it a little more confined, give it a totem or trellis to wrap itself around. Bright, indirect light and consistently moist soil are ideal. This guy is popular too. If our supply has disappeared, don’t worry – we’ll have more coming in as soon as we can get them.

Come See What’s New

Take a break from the winter chill and surround yourself with warmth and green foliage. Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for a fellow plant enthusiast or itching to add a new cultivar to your own collection, our Greenhouse is a good place to be.