Fontenelle Forest is on a mission to provide conservation efforts for various types of natural habitats, right here in Omaha. Join us in supporting the cause!
Now when you round up your purchase at Mulhall’s Garden + Home – as a donation to Fontenelle Forest – you help support conservation efforts in your own community.
Fontenelle Forest is one of Nebraska’s oldest and largest private Nature Centers. Founded in 1913, Fontenelle owns and manages its nature center in Bellevue, Nebraska, and the Neale Woods Nature Reserve in Omaha.
Combined, these properties cover over 2,100 acres of old-growth forest, tall grass prairie, and wetlands — all made accessible to visitors by way of 24 miles of trails.
With a mission to provide a place where all people can experience and enjoy nature, Fontenelle Forest works tirelessly to inspire current and future generations to care for the natural world around them. As stewards of this land, the Forest employs a variety of techniques to preserve our local ecosystem including oak woodland restoration, prescribed fire, prairie restoration, and invasive species control.
In addition to their conservation work, Fontenelle Forest is a vital community health and wellness resource, providing important urban green space for all individuals to experience and enjoy. With an ADA-accessible boardwalk and Habitat Hollow — the indoor, nature-based playground for children — Fontenelle Forest truly provides a place for all people to experience the quiet wild of nature.
To make a donation or to learn more, visit FontenelleForest.org/support.