Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time to step back, take a look at your outdoor space, and decide where a few updates might be in order. Here we share three easy projects – and some great savings – to refresh your landscape and doorstep this weekend so you can enjoy them all summer long.
Drop Some Instant Color in the Landscape
If you notice a spot in your landscape that could use a pop of color, consider one of our easy-care Knock Out® roses. These eye-catching roses grow into bloom-covered, 3-4’ round shrubs providing season-long color. They’re beautiful as a focal point among other landscape plants – or as outstanding groupings of their own. And for a limited time, our entire collection of 2-gallon Knock Out® roses are just $14.99 each.
We have several colors in our collection, including the original Knock Out® in bright, cherry red, and the Double Knock Out® – also cherry red, but with ruffled, double blooms. Or choose from Pink, Pink Double, Sunny, and Coral varieties in the Knock Out® family too.
And Knock Out® roses are so easy to grow. With excellent disease-resistance, drought-tolerance, and re-blooming, they’re as tough and undemanding as they are beautiful. About the only thing they ask for is a location with rich, well-draining soil and 6-8 hours of good sunshine each day.
Refresh Your Beds with a Fresh Layer of Mulch
Nothing renews the look of an entire landscape like a fresh layer of mulch. Aside from looking great, a 2-3” layer of hardwood mulch does so many good things for the plants in our landscape too – it retains moisture around roots, prevents weeds from popping up, and as it breaks down, it adds nutritive value to the soil. Laying out new mulch is something the whole family can do too, and the results are so rewarding.
Add the Final Touch to Your Doorstep or Patio
Now that the landscape is popping and the mulch is refreshed, get your doorstep and patio ready to welcome all your summer guests. For an easy addition of season-long color, consider a pre-planted doorstep planter or container design. Our amazing collection of Mulhall’s-grown 10” and 14” planters start at just $19.99 – with a wide variety of styles bursting with begonias, impatiens, petunias, and more. Or, if you have an empty ceramic pot you need to fill, grab one of our pre-planted fiber slip pots in 12”, 15”, and 18” diameters. Sun or shade, these handy, drop-in containers feature combinations of tropical and annual plant favorites like ravenea palms, Kimberly Queen ferns, begonias, New Guinea impatiens, and more. Don’t forget to add another layer with colorful annual hanging baskets – we have a huge selection of those too. And for a beautiful addition to the sunny patio, our popular 10″ bird of paradise – regularly $49.99 – are now just $19.99!
Get Ready for a Great Summer
With these simple, yet transformative projects out of the way, you’ll be ready to kick back and enjoy a long, relaxing summer in your beautiful outdoor space. And if you’re looking for more ways to complete your outdoor space, we’d love to help with that too. Just stop by, and we can help you make it perfect.