Houseplants 101: Preparing for Winter | Mulhall's

Houseplants 101: Preparing for Winter

Your houseplants might be loving life out on the patio with all that sunshine and warmth, but as the nights start getting cooler, it’s time to think about a plan for bringing your plants back inside.

Join us as we cover everything you need to know to get your houseplants ready to head back inside. We’ll talk about removing insects, finding the right indoor spot for your plants, and knowing which plants should come in first and which can stay out a little longer. Plus, we’ll share lots of expert tips to help you keep your plants thriving through the winter months too. Learn how watering and fertilizing needs to change with the seasons. And find out how you can make sure your plants are getting enough light to stay healthy during the short days of winter.

  • When:

    October 26, 2024
    10:00 am–11:00 am
  • Where:

    3615 N 120th Street, Omaha, NE