DIY: Foraged Floral Design | Mulhall's
August 7 // Happenings

DIY: Foraged Floral Design

Jess Franks, from our Floral team, says one of her favorite things about being a floral designer is going out and foraging fresh plant material from the landscape. Designing with foraged material adds some really interesting textures to her floral arrangements and gives her designs a more natural, botanical style.

On Saturday, August 19th at 9am, Jess will be leading a demonstration in our greenhouse, showing how to combine outdoor garden plants into beautiful indoor arrangements. And not just the flowers. With grasses, berries, and textured foliage, you might be surprised at how much great material you have in your own landscape. Whether it’s a fragrant bouquet for your table or hand-wrapped blooms to bring to a friend, Jess will have plenty of expert tips to help you make it happen.

If you’re able to join us, just give a quick call at 402-496-0700 to let us know!