On who we are and why we do what we do.
Who We Are
We believe in beautifying our community. We sell plants, garden supplies, patio furniture, and home + holiday décor. We landscape some of our community’s most beautiful commercial spaces. We’re a wildly diverse group of people bound by our shared passion for the beautiful, the natural, and the authentic. And we like it like that.
And What Will Our Contribution Be?
Our business, like all businesses, has certain common business functions. And it’s our belief that the more we standardize those functions not unique to our business – and focus our energy and effort on those things that provide real, direct value to our customers and to our community – the more successful we’ll be.
The Components of Our Ecosystem
So we’ve tried to standardize this, the different components of the system that is our business. We’re calling it our Ecosystem. The six components of our Ecosystem, as we like to think about them, are Purpose, People, Strategy, Process, Data, and Dialogue.
Like an ecosystem, Mulhalls is a dynamic network of people in a complex environment operating in a delicate balance. Introduce something new, and everything reacts. Take something away, and everything adjusts. It’s our responsibility to communicate, understand, and respect the balance.