Meet Santa’s Reindeer
To see a real reindeer with its gentle brown eyes, huge antlers, and soft brown fur – all the magic comes to life right before a child’s own wide eyes. Santa knows that seeing is believing, so several Novembers ago, as he was preparing to visit our store, he brought two of his reindeer along. And that started a tradition that has brought smiles to the faces of countless children over the years.
This year, we’re excited to welcome Dasher and Dancer for another visit with their Omaha friends. You’ll find our antlered guests snugly nestled in the warm straw among the trees in our fresh-cut forest at the north end of the greenhouse. And be sure to bring your camera – each year, we love seeing all of you who’ve made it a yearly holiday tradition to capture a family photo by the reindeer.
Dasher and Dancer will arrive on Wednesday, November 21st, and can visit anytime during store hours until they leave again on Monday, December 16th. We hope you’ll come to say hello before they head back to the North Pole to get ready for their big flight on Christmas Eve.